A two-day Las Vegas experience where you will learn how to radically redefine and create the next level of success in your business life, your personal life – your whole life.
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Are You Ready to Break Through to the Next Level?
You received this invitation because you’ve achieved a great deal in life already. Either you’ve built your own company or helped someone else build theirs. But you’re not satisfied where you are right now.
You want to learn the keys to getting to the next level, and to reap the benefits of a higher level of professional and personal achievement, satisfaction, and balance.
If you’re like most successful people, you can relate to some or all of these experiences:
- When you were a child growing up, people noticed that you had a “business mind” or “business head”… a natural curiosity for how people made money or became successful…
- You can easily recall the first thing you ever did to make money, whether it was cutting grass, making a lemonade stand or delivering newspapers… and you remember, as well, the joy of those early experiences…
- When you recognized that someone with greater experience had much to share, you made them your mentor and soaked up as much as you could learn from them…
- At key points in your life, you have been tenacious about achieving your goals and have fought through barriers to get what you desired…
- You have read books about people doing extraordinary things and you were energized by those stories to do more, try harder, live more in the moment and stretch yourself to achieve…
- You have watched movies that inspired you and moved you to take action… so much that it was hard to sit still … you wanted to do something right away…
- There have been key turning points in your career and in your life where, instead of choosing the safe path, you chose the paths that made you uncomfortable and required some risk. And making those choices has made all the difference in your success...
How Can You Write the Next Compelling Chapter in Your Life Story?
That’s what The 3 Keys to Mastering Your Future is all about. For two days in Las Vegas this coming April, you’ll join with a select group of other successful people to learn and to start applying the strategies, tactics and skills for creating a more successful, more satisfying and more energizing life.
The 3 Keys deal with the past, the present, and the future, and how to powerfully and profitably integrate them.
With expert guidance, you will:
- Explore and correctly identify the key factors that have been critical in your past success and how to apply these systems, strategies and processes in a new and more efficient way
- Learn how to create and maintain the right state of mind for achieving even more success as well as the strategies, tactics and new technologies for greater leverage in your business and personal life
- Discover the secrets for naturally and automatically overcoming mindsets and emotional states that interfere with your achievement of even greater success
- Identify prior failure experiences and learn how to recognize and avoid the psychological barriers that they created within you
- Learn the psychology, science, and secrets of effective goal setting so that you can use them to your advantage and to truly redesign your future
- See and use the actual tools that highly effective people use to manage goals, persuade others and implement change
- Create a set or powerful goals that will energize you far into the future. (In fact, in this letter we will disclose one of the most powerful – and often neglected – techniques there is for helping you attain your most desired goals… a technique that has been worth millions of dollars to our clients
- Meet and network with a small group of other like minded businesspeople, professionals, and executives who share your desire to move their lives forward, to solve their problems more effectively, and to build even greater financial success
- Participate in and observe several “Hot Seat” sessions where your hosts will help you and other participants to remake your definition of success, your action plans and your business and personal marketing plans to make these changes a reality
- Discover what makes the most successful people in all walks of life able to overcome fear, to take consistent action, and to create a cycle of success that helps them build wealth and achieve goals “automatically”
- Experience the power of a “Master Mind” group, and learn how you can continue to benefit from this type of peer knowledge, feedback, and support in the future
- Learn the difference between “good” stress and “bad” stress so that you can avoid burnout and tap into great sources of energy to pursue your goals and dreams without sacrificing other areas of your life
- Get individual, targeted feedback and advice on your goals and proposed action steps so that you leave the workshops with the new tools and technology that you need to be ready to take life-changing action
- Leave this event with clear definition of your new level of success, an action plan that works, the knowledge and tools to implement it, and certainty moving forward
- Have the opportunity to participate in invitation-only follow up events throughout the year after the workshop to dramatically extend the value and effectiveness of this experience
Who Should Attend this Workshop?
The 3 Keys to Mastering Your Future is for business owners and people in leadership positions who have decision-making authority in their organizations. It’s for leaders like you, who want to overcome any barriers that have held you at your current level. It’s for those who want to learn how to build on the techniques and strategies that have helped you so far, but are not enough.
This includes:
- Private business owners/entrepreneurs and owners or executives of family businesses (annual gross revenue of $1 to $15 million)
- Presidents and CEOs of successful small corporations
- Owners or partners of professional practices (law, medicine, accounting, dentistry and other healthcare practices)
Anyone who has the authority to make major changes to enhance their own effectiveness, or to impact the effectiveness of others will gain huge benefits from attending The 3 Keys to Mastering Your Future.
Who should not attend? If you do not have primary decision-making authority in your company or organization, or if you have been in business for fewer than 5 years, you may not get the maximum benefit from this program. (But please contact us for information on how to increase your success both now and in the future.) Likewise, if you cannot commit to implementing the plans that you create during this event then you will not get the maximum benefits and advantages of this program.
Who Are Your Facilitators?
David M. Frees, III
David M. Frees III, Esq. is committed to bringing you the skills that you need to radically improve your performance and to implement these changes right now. He has been called a “Grand Master” of communications skills by Steve Forbes, Editor-In-Chief, of Forbes magazine. He is an Ivy League trained attorney, an author, and an internationally known speaker and consultant on the topics of Enhanced Communication, marketing, and persuasion. David is the creator of Quantum Communications, The Purpose and Power of Persuasion and many other programs for individuals, small businesses and corporations. He has appeared on PBS, NPR, and hundreds of radio and television stations throughout the Unites States. David is known to his customers and clients as a consummate problem solver and he serves on the boards of corporations as well as associations.
Dr. David Weiman
David A. Weiman, Psy.D. is a management psychologist and president of Weiman Consulting in Wynnewood, PA. Formerly the vice president of an international publishing firm, he combines 20 years of executive experience with his psychology background to help business leaders identify and achieve their professional and personal goals. He has been quoted regularly in BusinessWeek Online and the Los Angeles Times. Dr. Weiman also teaches executive coaching skills to senior executives at one of the world’s largest employers, and he is also an adjunct professor at Widener University’s Institute for Graduate Clinical Psychology.
Is Your Satisfaction Guaranteed?
Yes. If you are not completely satisfied by the end of the first day, just see one of your hosts and we will refund your entire tuition. There is really just no risk to you. Why? We want you to come, and, we are so confident in the program and its effectiveness, that we will assume the risk.
What is the worst that can happen? You’re “stuck” in Vegas for a day or two of fun, great food and entertainment, and warm weather.
The best that can happen? This event is will help you to clearly define your new reality in an achievable way, to begin to take immediate and massive action … the experience is designed to move you directly to your goals by showing you how to implement master strategies and tactics in the most effective way possible. The best that can happen is that your vision of a better and richer life becomes a reality much sooner than you ever thought possible.
What is the Simple but Dramatic Secret We Promised to Disclose and Why do it Now?
Have you ever set a goal, either formally, or informally, and achieved it almost without trying? On the other hand have you ever set a goal that you truly desired but failed to achieve? What was the difference? We have discovered the difference that matters. And this event is going to focus on making tiny distinctions that get radically better results – over and over again.
For many people, the difference is failing to set the meta goal.
They set the goal they wanted, but did so in an intellectualized or compartmentalized way that failed to fully activate the psychological processes that compel us to take action.
From now on, when you are doing any goal setting, make sure that you also commit and make your major and overarching goal the following:
“I will achieve this goal,” or …
“I will do whatever is necessary (within your ethical and moral limits) to achieve these goals or this goal.”
You must engage not just your “logical” or thinking brain in the process, but your “creative” or feeling brain as well as to engage your mind fully in the pressing need to make the goal a reality.
If the idea of setting a meta goal – a goal of achieving the goal – seems too simple to be true, we invite you to think back to a time when you made a MAJOR change in your life for the better. One of those turning points we mentioned above where instead of taking the easy path, you took the challenging one. In every case, you will remember that you didn’t just make an intellectual or “cognitive” decision … you made an emotional commitment, as well, to fuel it and make it happen.
In two days in Vegas you are going to discover, discuss and learn how to use to your advantage over 77 strategies and techniques that consistently make a difference. They are the secrets, strategies and skills that really matter in creating a life that’s just better than everything that you’ve known up until now.
And we will show you how to combine these techniques and strategies in ways that synergize them and make each even more effective than the last.
So, that’s an important technique that works to get radically better results about 98% of the time. We promised one, but we like to over deliver. So here is a second strategy that we will truly develop during the program but which can begin to yield results for you right now. That’s right, even before the program you’re going to start making positive changes.
That strategy is Leverage. Begin to think in terms of leverage in all that you do.
For example, how, can you start to get paid more and more often for the same work? How can you honestly and ethically bring more value to your clients and customers while actually working less? How can you improve margins and often double or triple profit margins without spending more time and possibly while spending less? Only when you begin to ask these questions will you get the answers that can make a difference.
At the event, we will show you how to ask and answer these provocative new questions and how to use technology and new practices to implement your plans and to achieve greater leverage.
If you enjoyed the debate surrounding Tim Ferris’ book The Four Hour Work Week, we know that you’ll enjoy learning more about time management techniques, using virtual assistants, sub contracting tasks, and using services such as Elance (www.elance.com), and Escriptionist (www.escriptionist.com) to make more money no matter what you do.
What Do Business Leaders Say About Your Hosts and Our Programs?
“I give my highest recommendation for David’s trainings and workshops! David Frees’s programs are easy to follow and above all produce solid results. If you are looking to make your business more profitable and your products and services more powerful, sign up today. We improved our results by ten times.” - Kurt Kunsch, Bank Trust Officer
“The benefits of this program were phenomenal. The fact that it was entertaining was a bonus, but a very big bonus.” - Joan Reese, Centocor
“David Frees makes radically improved communication skills seem automatic and easy to build. I enjoyed this program enormously and look forward to seeing and hearing him again.” - Jody Fedick
“David Frees’s genius is in making communication and the techniques natural, simple and enjoyable. I will use these skills in my personal and business life.” - Gary Fling
“… packed with phenomenal ideas! You delivered solid content with impact and your techniques are going to help us grow!” - Richard Gentile, National Penn Bank
“Dr. Weiman knows how to reach people, inspire them, and show them how to achieve. He surpassed our expectations, and we look forward to future seminars.” - Paul Salotto, The Pharmacist Magazine
“Dr. Weiman’s presentation was direct, practical and memorable. Exactly what we were seeking. Filled with real life scenarios, he gave us powerful tools for setting and achieving goals that can enhance the growth of our firm. And ways to measure if we are following through with our plans.” - Charles F. Forer, Eckert Seamans Cherin & Mellott, LLC
“Your formula for success gave our participants valuable tools to use in their organizations.” - Marycarole Goodrich, Main Line Chamber of Commerce
When and Where is the Program Presented?
The 3 Keys to Mastering Your Future will take place on Thursday and Friday, April 10 and 11, at the Flamingo Las Vegas Hotel and Casino on The Strip in Las Vegas, NV. You may make your own travel arrangements (call the Flamingo at 702-733-3111), or call our agent, Jill, at WhirlAway Travel (610) 431-3642 for assistance with air, hotel and rental car reservations.
What is the Cost of the Program and What are the Bonuses?
The 3 Keys to Mastering Your Future, including two days of workshops, seminar materials and bonuses, is just $899 per person (meals are on your own and this is a great opportunity for networking with other participants). See below for how to SAVE $100 and WIN a $299 Apple iPod Touch loaded with over $1,700 of additional content.
Every Participant Gets these 6 Bonuses – Over $350 Value -- FREE:
Einstein’s Business. All attendees will receive a hardbound copy of Einstein’s Business by one of your hosts, David M. Frees III. This book of business essays includes articles and chapters by Dave Frees, Scott Peck, Steven Covey, Donald Trump, Tom Peters and others. Value: $26.95
The Stress Solution & Managing Meetings. You will get a CD containing Dr. Weiman’s eBook, The Stress Solution: How to Succeed in Business without Sacrificing in Life and a special report, Managing Meetings. Value: $34.00
- Lifestyle Marketing. You will receive a CD and 50-page transcript of Dr. Weiman and David Frees’ LifeStyle Marketing teleconference.
Value: $99.00
- Marketing Power Pack. If you’re interested in marketing, selling from the platform, speaking, or creating information marketing products, or if you enjoyed Tim Ferris’ Book the 4-Hour Work Week, you’ll enjoy a set of three eBooks on these topics by information product marketing guru Fred Gleeck.
Value: $97.00
- Million Dollar Rolodex. Both Dr. Weiman and Dave Frees will share their Million Dollar Business Rolodex filled with professional contacts, vendors, and recommended resources for busy professionals, executives and business owners who want to leverage their time, make more money, improve their lives, and generate change.
Value: $99.00
- Vegas Survival Kit. When you arrive you’ll receive our Vegas Survival Kit compiled by Vegas locals and insiders and filled with information and tips for getting the most out of your entertainment and gambling experience such as: maximizing your odds in Black Jack, and Craps, and also containing entertainment options, dining ideas and a map to the secret location of that highly sought after Vegas treat, the deep-fried Twinkie®.
Value: Priceless
Early Registration Discount:
The first 10 participants to register online will SAVE $100 – you pay just $799. (This discount will appear on the payment screen to the first 10 who register.)
Also: The first 15 registrants are entered to win a NEW Apple iPod Touch. One attendee will then be selected to receive this great prize.
The Apple iPod Touch is the newest Apple video iPod (Value: $299!). We’re boosting the value even more by pre-loading it with marketing presentations and seminar recordings from your hosts, bringing the total value to over $2,000! If you win, you’ll have a new iPod Touch to watch videos, listen to the lectures and seminars, show your seat-mate pictures of the kids … all on the flight out to Vegas!
Remember, you must be among the first 15 to register to be eligible for this special bonus.
Even if you don’t win the Apple iPod Touch, you’ll receive hundreds of dollars worth of bonuses. Your hosts have a history of making sure that participants are happy. There will be at least three additional bonuses at the event. You will not pay a penny more for these extras.
Are You Ready to Reach the Next Level?
Lock in your spot, start making the changes that you’re looking for… register for The 3 Keys to Mastering Your Future now!
Start creating an exciting, compelling and rewarding future by registering today. Space is limited to ensure maximum attention to each participant. Join us in Las Vegas for the opportunity to achieve the next exciting stage of your professional and personal life …
Registration is closed for this event... Please send an e-mail to concierge@breakthroughinvegas.com to add your name to our event mailing list. Thank you!
Presented by: Success Technologies, Inc. P.O. Box 507 Malvern, PA 19355